Thursday, January 31, 2013

30 Rock: Back to the Start

We have a LOT of significant series coming to an end this year: 30 Rock, The Office, and Breaking Bad to name three. And tonight, in about 90 minutes from now, we will get a taste of our first: 30 Rock will airs its final episode. And as long as I've been a fan of television, I (oddly) have also always been a fan of series finales. So many amazing finales pop into mind. When I think back on classic shows it is often moments in the last episodes that I remember best. Most people will typically say they hate endings, they hate saying goodbye, and that they avoid such situations. (I even have a friend, an avid Lost fan, who put off watching the final episode for a year and a half.) But for some reason that's not me. I always look forward to a good ending, a cathartic conclusion, and an emotional satisfaction with the story/characters. And thats especially true of such a monumental show like 30 Rock.

But before going into tonight's finale, I took it upon myself to rewatch the show's pilot episode (which I honestly don't think I've seen in years...possibly even since it aired). And what I took away was how much this show has changed. Its voice, its focus, the characters, their appearances, and most of all, its comedic tone, were all DRASTICALLY different at the start than where we are today. And this is neither good nor bad. While many of the relationships have developed, and characters have grown, and careers/lives have progressed, that is generally a fair expectation of a critically acclaimed show seven seasons in. And yes, humor often changes as well: just compare early Friends to late Friends. But for a show like 30 Rock, with such a distinct and unique zanyiness it calls its own, I found the more subdued pilot incredibly fascinating. That, and the drastic changes in character (Tracy: skinny, charismatic, and even sly; Jenna: smarter, more together, and easier to accept as Liz Lemon's best friend; etc), were the major takeaways I took from the rewatch. But I'm so glad I got another quick glimpse of the beginning right before experiencing the end.

I absolutely adore the 30 Rock we have today (even if its for only about an hour more). And while I prepare for tonight's farewell, I have been reflecting back on the show's run. It really was such a clever show that bravely addressed race, gender, politics, and comedy without actually even trying to. Besides its quirk, that is what I admire most about the show. And while I'm very sad to see such a comedic milestone come to a close, thats not to say I'm not looking forward to a genius and poignant finale. So lets go to there, people. Because there ain't no party like a Liz Lemon party and a Liz Lemon party is...ending.

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