Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tabula Rasa

I have been trying to motivate myself to blog for quite some time now. There was always some new excuse.
That my computer was too old.
(But I bought a new one a year ago).
That I could not think of a proper blog title.
(Still cannot think of one, but these things aren't set in stone).
That no one cares about my opinions on television, film, or the like.
(Probably true).
That the timing wasn't right.
(This happens to be Emmy weekend).
That I have absolutely no qualifications to be offering my thoughts on media.
(Aside from my media degree....and the ton of television/movies I watch).

But then I got sick of holding myself back. Forget my insecurities. Forget whether anyone even cares or not. I'm really doing it for myself anyway (although readers/commenters would be greatly appreciated).

Basically, I don't want to regret never doing it, trying it out, seeing what develops, seeing if I even keep up with it. I am tired of telling people that "I want to start blogging" and then never following through (its like that tattoo I've been talking about for years). Eventually you have to bite the bullet and just do it.

And they say the hardest part is getting started. Staring at a blank page, agonizing over that first sentence, is daunting. Getting the train of thought to pull out of the station is slow-going. But once you gain some speed and start chugging along, you will get to where you want to be.

So please excuse this rambling post. It's really just me blowing the whistle and pulling out of the station. This train has been delayed long enough.

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